winter safety
Don’t trust that Ice
What may appear to be frozen over lakes or ponds can be inviting spots for ice skaters and children who would like to explore during Missouri’s winter months. Even in bitter cold temperatures, ice conditions on bodies of water can be extremely uncertain. The only guaranteed safe skating ice is at a skating rink.
Chimneys need to be cleaned.
Creosote is a black or brown residue that can be crusty and flaky, tar-like, drippy and sticky, or shiny and hardened. All forms are highly combustible. If it builds up in sufficient quantities, and the internal flue temperature is high enough, the result could be a chimney fire. Always have your chimneys professionally inspected/cleaned at least on an annual basis.
With winter, comes power outages.
Use portable generators outdoors in well-ventilated areas away from all doors, windows and vents. According to a 2013 Consumer Product Safety Commission report, half of the generator-related deaths happened in the four coldest months of the year, November through February.